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A Virtual Maiden Voyage Symphony

Writer's picture: Shirley PadenShirley Paden

This is a thank you note to the brave and forward-thinking men and women on the Vogue Virtual Knitting Live team, and to all the teachers who joined hands and became a circle of light, singularly focused on bringing to life the first-ever Virtual Knitting Live event. On the other side, it is a thank you to all the courageous students who took this virtual maiden voyage ride with us.

This was the chain of events. Early in April an e-mail arrived in the inboxes of teachers who had taught at the Vogue Knitting Live conferences, asking if they would be interested in participating in a new venture. At that moment the world was on lockdown. It was like being asked to sign up for the cavalry and being called into immediate action! With no crystal ball on hand to make any predictions, the whole group threw caution to the wind, saluted, jumped to attention, sent out a resounding “yes,” and were off and running! By the following week dates had been selected for the event (May 11-18). The reality was that it was 3 weeks away! With the banner up and the classes selling quickly, online, the pitch of the excitement grew louder.

Moving through the events up to the opening day was like participating in a 6-part symphony. The “save the date” announcement went out, the class selections were made, the registration opened, the lighting and cameras were shipped to the teachers, the teachers were Zoom trained, and OMG, it was opening day! Everyone hit the ground running! We had a full week of turning the internet into a virtual knitting and crocheting playland!

It may not have been perfect, but it was a wonderful starting point. We all tried our hardest on both sides. The goal was to bring joy and beauty to everyone’s lives in the midst of a very uncertain moment -and- WOW, WE DID IT!!!

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